Monday, April 23, 2012


We got home from my parent's house last night and put Andrielle down for bed. About 30 minutes later, we heard her crying in her room. Gavin went up to check on her, filled her sippy with water and came back downstairs. A few minutes later, she was crying again. I went up to check on her this time, thought I saw something on her face and turned on her light. Her whole face, hands, and shirt were covered with blood. I brought her downstairs to check her out and get her cleaned up. Her nose was pouring blood out of both nostrils. I sat her up in her high chair, gave her a snack, and cleaned off most of the blood. We thought she just had just bonked her nose and had a bad bloody nose. But it kept bleeding. I was cleaning her nose off and noticed what I thought was just a yucky booger in her nose and tried to get it out and noticed it was more than that. I called for Gavin to bring me some pliers. He laughed at me and suggested tweezers instead (good idea, Honey). I pulled the thing out of her nose (a rhinestone jewel!!) but there was still something else up there (I was guessing it was the paper backing to the jewel). I tried to get it, but it was too far up and I was concerned I would just shove it up further. So we packed up the kids and headed to the E.R. We got checked in and after a bit of a wait we saw the doctor. He pinned her arms behind her back, swaddled her up in a sheet, had another doctor and two nurses hold my daughter down, and had to suction her still-bleeding nose. The then had to use this thing to pry her nose hole open and then used some alligator pincher thing to get the thing out of her nose. It was a dime-sized white button! Crazy girl. He offered it back to me (no thanks), and gave her a new blankie to take home. Andrielle kept saying "Bye! Bye!" to the nurses and doctors and when they said goodbye to her, she said, "See you soon!" Lol - they laughed and told her they hoped they wouldn't be seeing her soon - haha! And we headed home. By the time we got home it was almost 1 am. Poor Gavin had to go into work today after barely any sleep. I had Andrielle take the day off preschool and we spend the morning watching Disney Junior in bed.